Illustration of urinals.

Other Common Options

As with many health issues, there is a
range of treatment options available.

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Explore additional options

As with many health issues that impact a patient’s quality of life, there is a range of treatment options available. The easiest are behavioural changes, that may progress to medication, and then potentially to minimally invasive or surgical options. Minimally invasive or other surgical options may be recommended if1:

  • Symptoms are moderate to severe
  • Medication hasn't relieved bothersome BPH symptoms
  • There is a urinary tract obstruction, bladder stones, blood in your urine or kidney problems
  • Preference of treatment

In addition to innovative treatments such as Water Vapor Therapy and Photoselective Vaporisation of the Prostate, there are a number of minimally invasive or surgical options for relieving the symptoms of an enlarged prostate (BPH).

Minimally Invasive Surgery

These treatments have been defined as minimally invasive due to the lower risk of bleeding post operatively and typically shorter hospital stay.2

Water Vapor Therapy

Learn more about Water Vapor Therapy.

Prostatic urethral lift (PUL)
This procedure deploys adjustable permanent implants to lift and compress the enlarged prostate tissue out of the way, so it no longer blocks the urethra thus increasing the flow of urine. PUL does not remove prostate tissue.

Potential benefits include:

  • Procedure might be recommended if a man is suffering from lower urinary tract symptoms.
  • PUL also might be offered to some men concerned about the effect on ejaculation and sexual function.1

Photoselective Vaporisation of the Prostate
Learn more about Photoselective Vaporisation of the Prostate.

Transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP)
Using a lighted scope inserted into the urethra the urologist makes one or two small cuts in the prostate gland, making it easier for urine to pass.

Potential benefits include:

  • This procedure might be an option if you have a small or moderately enlarged prostate gland, especially if there are health problems making other surgeries too risky.1

Other Surgery

Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP)

This procedure enucleates (surgically removes) all prostatic tissue blocking urine flow and prevents regrowth of tissue.1 The HoLEP procedure is similar to open prostatectomy.1

Potential benefits include:

  • Often preferred for men with larger prostates.
  • Removed tissue can be examined for prostate cancer and other conditions.1

Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)
This procedure, often considered the gold standard surgical treatment for symptomatic BPH uses electricity to superheat a thin metal wire to cut the prostate tissue from the prostate into small chunks. After TURP you might temporarily need a catheter to drain your bladder.1

Potential benefits include:1

  • Has been in clinical use to treat an enlarged prostate since the early 1900s.
  • Generally, relieves symptoms quickly.
  • Most men have a stronger urine flow soon after the procedure.

Open prostatectomy
During this procedure the urologist makes an incision in the lower abdomen to reach the prostate and the inner part of the prostate tissue.

Open prostatectomy is generally done on patients with a very large prostate, bladder damage or other complicating factors.1 The surgery usually requires a short hospital stay and is associated with a higher risk of needing a blood transfusion.1

When Other Surgical Options might not be an option

For a patient suffering with the following conditions minimally invasive or surgical options might not be an option:1

  • Untreated urinary tract infection.
  • Urethral stricture disease.
  • History of prostate radiation therapy or urinary tract surgery.
  • Neurological disorder, such as Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis.

Other Surgical Options risks and side effects may include:

Any type of prostate procedure or surgical treatments can have inherent and associated risks and side effects. Depending on the procedure, some may experience side effects such as1:

Questions to ask your GP or Urologist

Helpful hints on how to start the conversation with your GP
or urologist, and other useful resources

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Take the Quiz

Take our BPH quiz to identify if you are experiencing BPH symptoms and help you
kick-start the conversation about BPH with your doctor or urologist.

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Use our Specialist Finder to get in contact with urologists who specialise in diagnosing and treating male urinary conditions like BPH.


  1. Mayo Clinic Patient Care & Health Information. Disease & Conditions. Benign prostatic hyperplasia Diagnosis & treatment Accessed 22 January 2020
  2. Chung ASJ, Woo, HH. Update on minimally invasive surgery and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Asian Journal of Urology (2018); 5, 22-27. Accessed 4 July 2019

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